And we’re back in person!

Beginning January 23rd, we are back to in-person worship, Sunday mornings at 10:00am. We are opening all the windows (so please dress warmly, or bring a cozy blanket).  Everyone must wear a mask and we’ve got lots of room for distance. The United Church strongly encourages everyone to be fully...

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Back to Online Worship – a message from Council

It is with heavy hearts that Sylvan Council members have decided to forgo in-person worship services, effective immediately, including Christmas Eve, until it is determined that the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus has been brought under control. While Provincial regulations allow for in-person worship services with restrictions, the sudden...

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40 Days of Engagement on Anti-Racism

Join with United Church folks across the country as we wonder, pray, strive and work with what it means to be an anti-racist church. “Each day from Tuesday, October 12 to Friday, November 26 (with the exception of Sundays) there will be a new reflection on anti-racism, as well as...

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