Indoor Worship and Campfire Church – October 3rd @ Sylvan

This coming Sunday is World Wide Communion Sunday – and we are celebrating the sacrament safely. Everyone will receive a baggie with the elements – in this case a gluten-free rice cracker and some grapes (aka wine/juice in it’s natural state). When it comes time, people can remove their masks long enough to eat the cracker and grapes. 

The same afternoon we are hosting our first Camp Fire Church – along with our neighbours at the Westshore Community Practice. This is a family-friendly, all-ages event.  We will gather around the campfire pit in the Labyrinth garden beginning around 4, with food and program starting around 5.  We will supply hotdogs and smokies and the condiments – if you want to bring along something else to eat (marshmallows anyone?) please do.

Please bring a chair or blanket to sit on – and outdoor clothes. We will do a short Wild Church practice which will include some walking and wondering time.