The Labyrinth

Sylvan’s Labyrinth was built by church and community volunteers in the summer of 2008.
Our eleven circuit “Chartres” style Labyrinth is available for public use. It is located behind our church and can be accessed any day of the week. Constructed with natural granular material, the labyrinth offers an opportunity for you to walk in quiet contemplation in a pastoral setting.
Labyrinth walking is an ancient meditative practice which can be found in many sacred traditions, including Christianity. There are over fifty labyrinths on Vancouver Island alone! To get the most out of walking our labyrinth, we suggest that as you approach the entrance of the labyrinth and before entering that you try to clear your mind as much as possible of any day-to-day concerns. Contemplate the steps you are taking as you move through the labyrinth. Be guided by whatever may come to mind. In the silence of meditation often the most profound wisdom will present itself. Often a wonderful sense of peace envelops the walker. Whatever comes to you is right. There is no right or wrong way to walk the labyrinth. Each trip is as individual as you are.
Enjoy your walk, take as long as you wish. Listen to the wind in the towering fir trees and to the babbling brook running alongside the property. Let your senses be aware of the peacefulness found in nature and within yourself. With the assistance of a very supportive community, we are continually developing a program of organized Labyrinth walks. They may be incorporated with different meditations to assist in creating a growing awareness of our individual Spirituality.
Most of our labyrinth walks are performed around the Celtic and astrologic calendars:
March 20 Spring equinox and Celtic Ostara
May 1 World Labyrinth day walk and Celtic Beltain
June 21 Summer Solstice, longest day of the year
August 1 Celtic celebration of Lamas
September 21 Autumn equinox and Celtic celebration of Mabon
November 1 All Souls Day and Celtic celebration of Samhain
In September 2013 the Labyrinth Society held their international gathering for the first time on Vancouver Island. At Sylvan, forty participants from different countries took part in a meaningful discussion on “Pilgrimage” and then had time to reflect during a group labyrinth walk. Our volunteers provided a delicious lunch to the group, which was well received with many expressions of appreciation.
For the upcoming year, we are planning on expanding our community outreach with more sessions to teach meditation. Among other benefits, meditation can assist people who, may at times, find life overwhelming and would like to improve their ability to concentrate.
By walking in community, we discover new ideas and become more connected to the earth and the Creator. We hope you will come and join us in our walks. Our labyrinth is located adjacent to the Memorial Garden in a lovely green space and is always available for whenever you wish to walk it.